Climate change has already caused unprecedented wildfires and intensified natural disasters on the Pacific Coast. Through the Framework for Collaborative Action, the PCC has charted an implementation roadmap to spur new coordinated work among PCC and other regional partners to add value to climate resilience initiatives.

This framework builds on the PCC’s 2018 Declaration on Climate Resilience, in which PCC partners committed to strengthening the resilience of our states, province, and local communities. Through coordinated knowledge exchange, strategic planning, and collaborative implementation, the PCC is committed to establishing the region as a model of innovation that fosters resilience in the face of a changing climate, sustains thriving communities, fosters equity, and creates jobs and new economic opportunities.

For 2021; the PCC plans to support near-term focus of collaborative work that are focused on the following:

  • Studies to understand the business case for climate resilience
  • Natural and working lands and shorelines carbon sequestration