Creating a Resilient, Low-Carbon Economy
Since 2008, regional GDP has grown by 32 percent while total region-wide emissions have declined more than 6 percent. The states, cities, and province in the PCC continue to demonstrate that leading on climate policy and driving economic growth are not mutually exclusive: low carbon economies can thrive and lead the world in attracting investors, businesses, job-seekers, and residents. We also recognize that updating, improving and climate-proofing the Pacific Coast’s critical infrastructure offers significant opportunity for investment and innovative partnerships to drive the clean, modern, resilient and robust economy of the future. We are working together to collect data, conduct analysis, and communicate effective strategies for reducing carbon while spurring job growth and market transformation and strengthening our communities and local economies against the threat of climate change.

Creating Clean Energy Jobs
On the Pacific Coast, we are accelerating job creation and investment in clean energy supply and energy efficiency, green buildings, clean transportation, and climate resiliency. We are showing that mitigating climate change and growing the economy go hand in hand. The 2015 West Coast Clean Economy report commissioned by the PCC, showed that, between 2010 and 2014, clean economy jobs within the region grew at a rate of 18.9 percent, more than twice as fast as jobs overall.
Strengthening Climate Resilience
Climate change has already caused unprecedented wildfires and intensified natural disasters on the Pacific Coast. A 2002 PCC report on the Costs and Benefits of Climate Resilience on the Pacific Coasts outlines the “business case” for making investments in infrastructure, social systems and governance to preserve lives, protect cultural resources, enhance natural habitats and strengthen the economy of our region in a changing climate. Here is also a brief infographic that summarizes the report. This report was spurred by the PCC’s 2021 Framework for Collaborative Action, which charted an implementation roadmap for coordinated work among PCC and other regional partners to add value to climate resilience initiatives. In 2018, the Declaration on Climate Resilience, committed PCC partners to strengthening the resilience of our states, province, and local communities. Through coordinated knowledge exchange, strategic planning, and collaborative implementation, the PCC is committed to establishing the region as a model of innovation that fosters resilience in the face of a changing climate, sustains thriving communities, fosters equity, and creates jobs and new economic opportunities.
Analyzing Regional Market Transformation
The only way we will achieve shared ambitious goals for decarbonizing the West Coast economy is by transforming entire economic sectors. We bring a regional perspective to analyzing market transformation, especially where our region is connected through shared infrastructure and markets. Our electricity systems, highway systems, and marine transportation networks are highly connected as are our markets and supply chains for fuels, vehicles, and a range of goods that rely on a stable climate. Working with topical experts, we analyze regional market potential in key areas like low carbon fuels to better understand the opportunities and impacts of regional action.
Tracking Our Progress
We actively track our progress in creating the regional low-carbon economy of the future. As reflected in our current PCC Report Card, we are reducing emissions while our economy thrives. We are committed to sharing our progress and strategies for other cities, states, regions, and countries to follow.