Transitioning to Clean Energy
Our region’s energy systems are among the cleanest in the world thanks to policy priorities like Renewable Portfolio Standards and investments in utility scale renewables. Demonstrating a clear preference for renewable energy sends powerful market signals reverberating throughout the U.S. economy and beyond. We are actively working toward a more integrated and modern regional electricity grid for cost-effective incorporation of renewables, reduced energy reserve margins, more efficient and cost-effective transmission planning, and ratepayer savings. Our renewable energy policies encourage technology development, open up new markets, create jobs and attract investment to our region.

Grid Integration
Oregon and Washington are participating in discussions with California and other Western states about transitioning to a Western regional grid operator that would provide clean energy and other benefits to each state and the region, while respecting the energy policy preferences of each state and the needs and interests of non-participating utilities. This builds in part on the recent successful experience of the California Independent System Operator’s regional energy imbalance market that allows utilities from several states to trade energy in five minute increments to balance out supply and demand fluctuations, and that has saved costs and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Promoting a more integrated and modern regional electricity grid and increasing opportunities for mutually beneficial cross-national energy sharing can improve system efficiencies and allow grid managers to draw on a broader and more diverse set of energy resources across the region to meet system needs, including the cost-effective integration of renewables.